Patrick Kimanzi,Professional WebDesigner.Malindi

Why You need a website

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benefits of having a good website


1. Opening International Markets

There is a whole new high-tech world out there, populated by millions of people on all parts of the globe, and marketing on the Web is the easiest way to begin doing business internationally. With a Web site, you can open up dialogues in international markets as easily as with the company across the street.

2. Test Marketing New Services and Products

If you demonstrate your new product on the Web, you will know what your customers think in a fast, economical manner. For the cost of a page or two of Web programming, you can gain insight into where to position your product or service in the marketplace. 

3. Selling Products and Services

Web sites are powerful because they join your advertisement to your order or inquiry form. This is also the greatest distinction between electronic and other advertising channels. Users can have direct communication with your company as they see your ad. With the click of a mouse, they will transmit their inquiry or order directly to you. This, the entire process will be faster and more cost effective. 

4. On-Line Publishing

There is a limited amount of information that can be stuffed into a radio, TV or print ad. These mediums are expensive. However, include your company's URL in a small print ad or 30 second spot and you have now directed your customers to your Web site which contains enough sales information to make the sale. 

5. Reduce the Cost of Printing and Mailing your Catalogs

Companies can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in printing and mailing costs by putting their catalogs on the Internet. In fact, with Net Access, the cost, is amazingly affordable. It is an especially good value when you consider the number of people you can reach. 

6. Updating Information Quickly

Web sites can be updated as often as you like. The, updates its site every five minutes and gets over 5.5 million hits per week. No other advertising medium is so quickly and economically changeable and the dynamic sites are those that get the hits. 

7. Bringing More People Into Your Distributors' Stores

Wholesalers also benefit greatly by having a Web site. They can include on their site a search engine for all of their retailers. Therefore, when customers see a product advertised, they can look at the wholesalers Web site to find out where they can purchase it. 

8. Making Pictures, Sound and Film Files Available

The Web enables you to display photos, sound and short movie clips with less expense.

9. Getting Your Foothold In Cyberspace

Today, there are thousands of companies with Web sites. You can be certain that a few of your competitors already have a presence on-line. However, it is still possible to become the dominant on-line influence in your industry. In a few years, when almost every company in the world will be on-line, customers will not be able to search through all of the thousands of names that a specific query in a directory found. They will, however, keep returning to the sites that gained their popularity now. 

10. Answering Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of your staff's time is probably spent answering the same questions over and over again. These are the questions customers and potential customers will ask before they deal with you. Display the answers on your Web site and you will have freed up a lot of time for your office staff. 

11. Creating a 24 Hour Service

If you have ever remembered too late or too early to call the opposite coast, you know the hassle. We are not all on the same schedule. Business is worldwide but your office hours are not. Trying to reach America or Europe is even more frustrating. Web pages serve your customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week without adding to your costs. 

12. Public Relations

This is becoming an exceedingly important reason to have your company on-line. Even without creating a complex site like the Federal Express site, your presence on the Internet is like passing out your business card to thousands, may be millions of potential clients and partners. It is virtually a worldwide announcement saying, "This is what I do. If you are ever in need of my services, you can, 24 hours a day, inexpensively and simply, reach me on the Web." 
13. Receiving Feedback From Customers

With a Web site, you can ask for feedback from your customers and get it instantaneously. E-mail can be built into Web pages and will give you the answers while they are fresh in your customers' mind, for a fraction of the cost. Another benefit is that you can respond to your customers when you choose to and not necessarily at the exact moment that they call. 

14. Staying in Contact In Any Time Zone

If you send employees abroad or have offices around the world, having a Website is an expedient way to communicate. It costs no more than a local phone call to access the site and the Web is available in over 150 countries. 

15. Employees on the Road

Your employees on the road may need up-to-the-minute information. A quick local phone call can keep your staff supplied with the most detailed information, without long distance phone bills and tying up the staff at the home office. Additionally, salesmen on the road can enter orders on-line so that the company can immediately begin working on them.
